Silence Doesn`t Mean Agreement

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17. Dezember 2020
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17. Dezember 2020
Silence Doesn`t Mean Agreement

There is only one thing that is more frightening than the Constitutional Court`s decision to give Edgar a third term today. It is the silence of Christian leaders throughout Zambia, leaders who choose comfort over confrontation, leaders who would rather be popular rather than prophetic, leaders who prefer people`s favor to God`s favor. Shame on those silent leaders. Today is a day at a standstill. Martin Luther King Jr. said, „Our life begins to end the day we shut down about things that are important. … In the end, we will not remember the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends. After the Holocaust, the courageous Christian leader Basilea Schlink suppressed the silence of Christians just after Crystal Night, the night of the broken glass (November 9, 1938), when the Nazis set fire to synagogues and devastated Jewish places of business, killing and striking so many people. There are times when silences become complicit in injustice. Ralph Emerson said: „You think that your silence on certain subjects, perhaps in the face of injustice, hostility or common sense, leads others to reserve judgment over you. Very different; Your silence says very loudly: you have no oracle to say, no wisdom to offer, and your fellow citizens have learned that you cannot help them. Doesn`t wisdom cry, and understanding produces its voice? It is a good thing that we do the same. „Politicians should not ignore people as a sign that everything is fine.

The fact is that people are tired with these political games,“ says Chikanta. The silence of the people does not mean that they agree with Edgar and the decision of his judges. It means that her degree of ridicule makes her speechless. But even if we are faced with extreme stupidity, we make it clear that it is not tolerated. Let those who abuse, harass, abuse others know that it is not correct and must stop the period. A great gift idea for your friend who always makes jokes and always a coffee or tea lover, packed in a permanent gift box and guaranteed to arrive safely. Whether you`re drinking your morning coffee at work or drinking a cup of hot tea at home, this cup is up to the task. Microwaves and dishwashers safely for your comfort. All designs are unleaded. Suitable for all places: daily, picnic, office, family reunion, etc. In fact, the Constitutional Court`s decision to give Edgar a third term does not guarantee him anything. The Zambian people can govern differently.

And not much political intimidation, violence, abuse of the police and the law on public order, manipulation of the electoral process can guarantee him a third of the office. The judges voted for Edgar`s third term, but the Zambian people can easily overturn his decision. Silence in the face of injustice is complicity with injustice. We must never remain silent whenever people suffer and suffer. We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the bad guy, never the victim. Silence encourages the executioner, never the tormented. `); doc.close (); – this.iframeload – funktion () – var iframe – document.getElementById (iframeId); setTimeout (function ) – setIframeHeight (initialResizeCallback); e, 20; e, 20); e-function getDocHeight (doc) e var contentDiv – doc.getElementById („iframeContent“); var docHeight – 0; if (contentDiv) ` docHeight – Math.max, contentDiv.scrollHeight, contentDiv.offsetHeight, contentDiv.clientHeight); – docHeight return; – IframeHeight (resizeCallback) function system – var iframeDoc, iframe – document.getElementById (iframeId); iframeDoc (iframe.contentWindow – iframe.contentWindow.document) iframe.contentDocument); if (iframeDoc) e var h – getDocHeight (iframeDoc); if (h-h! – 0) , – parseInt (h) – `px`; if (typeof resizeCallback – „function“) though (nTries This funny snarky of white sarcasm cast E.-Feuille is better than a card and makes the perfect gift for an employee, boss, friend, family member and even fun for himself! My Silence Doesn`t Mean I Agree With You It Means Your Level Of Stupidity Rended Me Speechless.