Collective Agreement Rdbc

Cibc Electronic Agreement
8. April 2021
Concluded This Agreement As Follows
9. April 2021
Collective Agreement Rdbc

A resident summoned to appear is placed on leave for the time required for judicial service. During this leave period, all benefits of the agreement will continue to be put in place and will continue to be paid on a regular basis. The resident hands over to the employer all the fees of witnesses or jurors received under the subpoena, provided that they do not exceed the resident`s normal salary for the duration of the leave. If the occupier receives a fee that goes beyond his regular payment, the occupier keeps the money. In the absence of an informal solution, RDBC, on behalf of its members, or the employer on behalf of the Residency program, or individually within 10 days of the resolution`s adoption, may refer Julie Nichols or any other person for consensual arbitration for mutual consent. The party who brings the matter to the arbitrator ensures that the other party is notified. The current collective agreement is applicable until March 31, 2022. If the agreement were to expire before a new agreement is reached, the current agreement will last until a new agreement is ratified. Workers who participate in a return-to-work program for fourteen points (14.4) hours or more per week are entitled to all benefits of the contract, on a reasonable basis, with the exception of medical coverage and extended dental plan that must be paid in accordance with section 15 of the collective agreement.

(A) The designation of residents as chief resident (administrative) and master resident (Chief Resident Positions) are academic matters. The appointment of residents to one of the chief resident positions must be approved by The Dean Associate in writing before they are effective. (C) The Committee will meet and do everything in its power to reach mutual agreement on this issue before it. (D) A mutual agreement of the Committee is accepted as an amendment to the collective agreement for the resident (s) and without prejudice to the position of one of the parties as to the meaning or interpretation of other terms of the collective agreement for the duration of the collective agreement. Your collective agreement is a legally binding document between HEABC and Resident Doctors of BC. The terms of the agreement indicate an obligation between all parties to create a safe working environment for you and your patients, while ensuring that you have the support you need to complete your training and thrive in your profession.