Sample Non Exclusive License Agreement

Sales Agreement Contract Template
5. Oktober 2021
Sbir Intellectual Property Agreement
6. Oktober 2021
Sample Non Exclusive License Agreement

8.10 Licensee agrees to obtain (i) all regulatory approvals necessary for the production and sale of Licensed Products and Processes and (ii) to use appropriate marking on such Licensed Products. Licensee also agrees to register or register this Agreement, as provided by law or law in any country where the License is in effect. 13.2 The royalty and all other amounts paid by the Licensee under this Agreement shall be plus all foreign and domestic taxes which, if applicable, shall be invoiced to the Licensee and paid by the Licensee within thirty days of such invoice. 18.1 This Agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior agreements, obligations or agreements, whether oral or written. In addition, this Agreement may not be modified, modified or otherwise modified unless it is a written agreement signed by both parties. 11.1 This Agreement shall be construed by and governed by the laws of [County] in accordance with them. The parties submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of [County]. (b) Licensee shall pay HARVARD, together with each of these royalty reports, the amount of the royalty due for that semester. If more than one technology is covered by the sub-granted licence, the licensee must indicate the patent rights and biological materials used for each licensed product and any licensed processes included in the royalty report. Any rights granted in this agreement in excess of what is permitted by Public Law 96-517 or Public Law 98-620 are subject to the necessary amendments to comply with the provisions of these Statutes. 4.3 No later than January 1 of each calendar year following the effective date of this Agreement, Licensee shall pay the following non-refundable license fees and/or an advance on royalties.

These payments may be set off against current royalties due for that calendar year and royalty reports must reflect such credit. These payments shall not be set off against royalties due for a subsequent calendar year. For the use of [Description of what is allowed]. 8.1 Harvard does not guarantee the validity of the licensed patents and makes no warranty as to the extent of the rights conferred by the patents or that such patent rights or biological materials may be exploited by the licensee or a related company without infringing any other patents. 8.5 (a) Licensee represents HARVARD and its respective directors, directors, directors, directors, directors, executive officers, professionals, professionals, employees, students and representatives and their respective successors, heirs and assignees (collectively, the „Indemnities“) from and liability, liabilities, costs, damages, defects, losses or obligations of any kind or nature (including, without any suspension) raiso attorneys` fees and other litigation costs and expenses) (cumulative „claims“ arising out of this Agreement, whether or not arising out of this Agreement, including, but not limited to, through a legal remedy relating to liability for products, processes or services resulting from a right or license granted under this Agreement;. . . .